Innotest AG
Hilagstrasse 24
CH-8360 Eschlikon
VAT Nr.: CHE-107.666.318 MWST (old number: 380754)
Commercial register-Nr.: CH-440.3.006.053-6
UID: CHE-107.666.318
Customs account nr. (ZAZ): 8200-9
General Manager: Dr. Peter Kreier
Phone: 071 970 09 70
E-Mail: info@savecoat.com
Plant and Delivery address:
Innotest AG
Hilagstr. 24
CH-8360 Eschlikon
Legal notice
1. Disclaimer
The contents of this page have been created with the utmost care. The provider cannot guarantee the content’s accuracy, completeness or topicality of the contents. The use of the contents of the web page is at your own risk. Articles identified by names represent the opinion of the author and don’t represent always the opinion of the provider. The mere use of this website does not create any contractual relationship between the user and the provider.
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The information published on this website are subject to Swiss copyright and related rights. Any use not permitted by Swiss copyright and ancillary copyright law shall require the prior written consent of the owner or relevant right holder. This is especially true for copying, editing, translation, storage, processing and reproduction of contents in databases or other electronic media and systems. Content and rights of third parties are identified as such. The unauthorized reproducition or distribution of individual contents or complete pages is prohibited and punishable. Allowed is the production of copies and downloads for personal, private and non-commercial use only.
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The provider expressly points out that data transmission over the Internet (e.g. communication by e-mail) may have security gaps and cannot be completely protected against unauthorized access by third parties.
The use of contact information for commercial purposes is not allowed, unless the provider has given his written consent or there exists already a business relationship. The provider and all persons named on this website contradict any commercial use and disclosure of their data.
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If special conditions for individual use of this website differ from the aforementioned numbers 1. to 4., it will be explicitly indicated in the appropriate place. In this case apply in each case the specific terms of use.
Origin: Disclaimer-Muster von JuraForum.de – Ihr Rechtsportal und Connektar.de.